I denna avdelning finns allt som har med motorarbeten och trimning att göra, vare sig de är enkla eller avancerade. Glöm INTE att skriva vad det gäller för bil, årsmodell samt motorbeteckning!

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av Vovo850R
Hi! I read what you write and recommend cat so then I will use a catalyst. Maybe I should go up a notch in turbo to a TD04-20T? What do you think? When will a 20 T with billet compressor wheel start to do boost? 2500 RPM?
Thanks for all the help so far. :-)
av Marlboroman
Already with a 19T with #7 rear housing you will have considerable issues with backpressure. An even bigger compressor will not be beneficial without another turbinewheel. And even then i might not be the best solution. A K24 might be another option if you want more power.
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